We're passionate about supporting the 57 employed CYF workers that are connected with the churches in our association. We also want to walk with all the churches and their volunteers as they seek to be Good News through many different ways including toddler groups, schools work, discipleship groups, youth clubs, Messy Church. Finally we never want to lose sight of the 95% of children and young people who are not in our churches and who God loves deeply and would love it if they got to know Him better.
How much does your local council spend on youth services?
The YMCA have produced a great map which enables you to compare your area with others. It makes for a depressing read but may inspire you to challenge local policy (there's a petition you can sign) and find out how the churches in your area might respond.
This can be accessed
Children's Social Care
In January the Children's Commissioner listened to the voices of children in care and this is what they said they wanted from the services that are supporting them:
- To be listened to and responded to.
- To have relationships that are trusting and stable.
- To feel loved, supported and stable.
- To be able to access practical help and support.
The report can be accessed
CYF Podcasts
Clare has been recording a collection of podcasts from across our association to inspire CYF work in our churches and communities.
19 Ideas for your Youth Group
Growing Faith
Intergenerational Ministry
Developing Young Leaders
Toddler Groups
A Youthful Perspective
Thoughts of a Youth Worker
4 locations, 4 dates, 4 opportunities for those working with children, young people and families to gather to support and encourage one another.
Watch this space for the next set of catch-ups!
If you'd like to come then let Clare know so that she can be looking out for you on the day!
Social Media
CYF Steering Group
We are the CYF steering group and would value your prayers as we meet to discern how our association might best serve the churches in their work with children, young people and families.
I am the CYF Mission Developer for SCBA and I would love to meet with you and listen to where you think God might be leading your church regarding how it's working with, or might work with children, young people and families.
Please get in touch regarding any training needs that you have, if you're looking to employ a CYF worker, if you need to chat something through or if there's something else you think I might be able to help with.
CYF Racial Justice Resource
The Baptists Together 'Children, Youth & Families Roundtable' are pleased to announce the release of a brand-new Racial Justice Resource. This resource is helpful for all those who are part of the Church but is particularly designed for those who work with children, youth and families. In response to the killing of George Floyd in 2020, and the Black Lives Matter protests, the roundtable felt a strong need to create a resource that could help the church start the conversation and engage with the very serious topic of racial justice with all ages.

This resource offers a variety of ideas, historical content, and practical resources to help your church take those crucial steps to better understanding and celebrating black culture, diversity, intentional equality, and justice through the lens of our God who calls us all to 'Love your neighbour as yourself'.
The resource can be downloaded here.
Invited to Belong
Invited to Belong (a partnership between Youthscape and Urban Saints) is a six-part journey to consider, alongside those you work with, how you might invite young people with additional needs to find a place of belonging within you community, your youth group, your church. Inside the resource are six envelopes, designed to be opened in order, each with a different reflective task, activity or challenge inside.

This resource can be accessed here.
Other Resources
There are many different opportunities out there that can help churches connect with those under 18. Here are a few of them which I would be more than happy to chat through with you.

Example Risk Assessments
We thought that it might be helpful to share risk assessments that our CYF workers & ministers have written for starting up their CYF groups.
Chris Walker at Eastleigh Baptist Church has shared his Youth Group Risk Assessment which can be viewed here.
If you have written a CYF group risk assessment and are happy to share it in our association, please send it to Clare at Clare.
There are many different training opportunities for those that work with children, young ?people and families; here are a few of them. Please do get in touch if this is something you'd appreciate praying about and talking through with someone.
CYF Tool Kit: Not a training course but a tool kit to help your church or CYF team reflect on it's work with children, young people and families. It includes a quick check list. www.baptist.org.uk/Groups/279872/_CYF_links.aspx
Footsteps: If you're part of the CYF team at your church than this training is ideal. It will deepen your understanding and you'll develop the skills necessary for ministry amongst children, young people and families. www.scba.org.uk/footsteps.html
Certificate in Theology, Ministry and Mission (children, youth and families): Provides accredited training for those with experience and who are called to specialist ministries and mission with children, families and communities where they live. Integrates a high level of theological education and reflection and offers the opportunity for further study going forward. www.bristol-baptist.ac.uk/children-youth-ministry/children-family-course/
MA in Theology, Ministry and Mission (children, youth and families): If you've got experience in working with children, young people or families and would like to have the opportunity to to sharpen your understanding by critically reflecting on your experience and theology than this opportunity might be a good fit for you. www.bristol-baptist.ac.uk/theological-studies/taught-ma/
Revd Clare Hooper
Email: Clare
Tel: 07840 378788