The Learning Collective Course
The Learning Collective is designed for church and community members who think more deeply about living as a Christian in the modern world so that it helps them in the way they serve God in and beyond their church or community. They are practically orientated courses, delivered from a mission perspective.
The Learning Collective is an in-person and online course (using Zoom) that requires monthly attendance for two hours.
This course will combine independent learning with monthly gatherings. The monthly gatherings will allow space for discussion and debate between the course participants and facilitators.
This course will offer the opportunity for students to engage in a wide range of topics relevant to leaders today such as reflective practice, spirituality, the bible, Baptist history, mission, pastoral leadership and more.
Course Date
All sessions will be from 7pm-9pm. You are invited to arrive at the venue at 6.30pm for light refreshments.
3rd September 2024:
Baptist History and Principles Part 1
8th October 2024:
Baptist History and Principles Part 2
12th November 2024:
Pastoral Leadership Part 1
14th January 2025:
Pastoral Leadership Part 2
11th February 2025:
Practical Theology Part 1
8th April 2025:
Reflective Practice Part 1
13th May 2025:
Reflective Practice Part 2
14th June 2025:
Celebration and Graduation at Baptist House, Didcot

The course will require participants each month to undertake a set of tasks ranging from listening to a podcast, journaling, reading, reflecting, or even going for a contemplative walk. You will be expected to attend all the sessions as this will contribute to a rich learning environment where we learn from each other and build relationships across our churches and Associations.
Two churches will serve as host venues for the monthly meetings:
Parkstone Baptist Church (SCBA)
Newbury Baptist Church (SCBA)
There will be a dedicate person online who will facilitate the online Zoom conversations.
The total cost for 20 months if £500.
To access one module, the cost if £50.00
There is a concession of 50% for under 30s and grants are available for all ages from your associations. To access these funds, talk to you
Regional Minister.
For those who are joining The Learning Collective as part of their formation for Recognised Local Minister status, there will be an additional cost of £25 per module, so a total cost of £750.
Tutor - Rev Jane Day
Jane is working closely with a team of dedicated people who are committed to equipping local leaders.
Course Aims
The course will give students an opportunity to deepen their understanding of faith and develop skills in ministry and mission. It will equip local leaders to offer their gifts to the world.
Learning Outcomes?
- To provide leaders an opportunity to discuss mission and ministry in today's context with other leaders from across Baptists Together.
- To enable leaders to reflect on their churches and communities and engage in reflection and reflexivity practices.
- To enable leaders to grow in their understanding of mission, pastoral leadership, bible, doctrine, Baptist history, reflective practice, and spirituality.
- To give leaders an opportunity to deepen their faith and spirituality.
Assessment Methods for Recognised Local Ministers
Participants put together a portfolio of assessments that reflects the breadth of the curriculum. Some individual assessments may focus on one aspect of the curriculum, others may cover a number of aspects. However, a central hallmark of the portfolio as a whole will be its focus on reflective practice and reflexivity.
Participants produce a portfolio of, typically, ten pieces of their own work. The modes of assessment may vary in order to pay attention to the different learning styles.
Examples in the overall portfolio include:
- a reflection on your spiritual journal
- an exploration of an issue in ministry in the light of the Declaration of Principle
- a reflection on ministry in the light of The Marks of Ministry
Overall in these pieces, participants should evidence:
- their ability to use methods of theological reflection carefully
- their ability to reflect on their own spirituality and its ongoing development
- their ability to interpret the Bible appropriately
- their ability to articulate themes in Christian theology and how they relate to contemporary experience
- their ability to connect themes in Baptist history and principles and in wider Christian theology to their wider Christian theology in their practice and context
- their ability to understand cultural contexts appropriately
- their ability to share in God's mission appropriately and to reflect upon this
- their ability to engage in appropriate contextual practice in their ministry
In addition, participants include in their portfolio on further piece of work in which others comment on an element of their practice, and the participant reflects briefly on these comments. Those commenting should have experienced the candidate, for example, leading a community event, engaging in pastoral visiting, preaching or leading a service. They could be from the participant's context, the association or the college.
To book a place or for more information, please click here