2nd March - The World Day of Prayer takes place on Friday 7 March. This year the theme is “I Made You Wonderful’ from Psalm 139:14 and the material invites us into the knowledge that each one of us was made with care and love by God. Please do join this global wave of prayer for our world. (
9th March- This week we pray for the Yorkshire Baptist Association. Their vision is to grow disciples by multiplying healthy churches across Yorkshire, and they aim to do this through planting, revitalising and reimagining. (
16th March- This week we pray for the Ministries Team, who support all forms of recognised and accredited ministry amongst our churches, as well as providing guidance and advice on ministry-related matters. (
BU Ministries)
23rd March - 23-30 March 2025 is being highlighted as a week of prayer for our Baptist movement. Please do take the opportunity this week to pray for our mission so that people will encounter Jesus and surrender their lives to following him; for God’s coming Kingdom in our communities as we seek to be salt and light in those places; and that the whole Body of Christ will rise up, living and witnessing to Jesus every day and sharing the reason for the hope that we have. (
BU Praying Together)
30th March - On this Mothering Sunday, we thank God for people who offer us the care of a mother:
For their nurture and care;
For their example and inspiration;
For their love and friendship.
‘As a mother comforts her child, so I will comfort you’, says the Lord.