Mission Grants
Mission Grants are awarded to help Baptist churches and individuals to fully engage in the mission of God and share His love within their communities.
The Association awards these grants. Therefore, it is advisable that anyone hoping to apply has an early consultation with the Association.
For more information about Home Mission Grants or to discuss your mission and funding, contact Revd Hayley Young
The deadline for grant applications is the 1st May every year and applications are considered by a wider team.
You can download the Home Mission Grants Guidance Notes here
Types of Grants:
Partnership Grants are awarded to churches already engaging in the mission of God, to encourage and further equip them in reaching out to their local community.
These grants can also be used for an additional team member where a focus can be shown to be missional, for example, a Children’s Youth and Families worker whose remit is to the community and not just those in the church.
The grants are not awarded simply for a church to have a minister or additional team member, the church must demonstrate its missional heart and intent. We normally expect a church to become self-sustaining within about 5 years of a grant being first awarded.
Pioneering Grants are for those working in ministries in a context which is usually outside of a traditional church; these can include individuals involved in a special initiative or in a church planting (or replanting) situation.
Chaplaincy Grants are available towards the cost of Educational, Community or Industrial Chaplaincies. The amounts paid will depend on the circumstances and the process usually involves detailed consultation with other denominations.
Mission Projects Grants of up to £500 to enable Baptist Churches to respond to the mission needs of their community as part of their own ongoing work and ministry. These are one-off grants for new projects (or new initiatives within existing projects). The projects must benefit people from the community which the church is seeking to serve.
Next Steps
1) Download the Guidance Notes here
2) Fill in the Application Form here and Finance Form here
3) Send the full application to the SCBA office via email by the 1st May