Baptist throughout their history have revisited, time and time again, the challenge of walking together and watching over each other. Mentoring has been one such way when ministers and church leaders have supported each other to help ministry grow and flourish. SCBA would encourage each and every church leader to consider putting in place a mentor or spiritual accompanier. If you need support in doing this please contact Simon
The Mentoring Network
To this end SCBA wish to offer to all those who mentor on our behalf or who would be willing to be considered as a mentor, an invitation to part of our Mentoring Network that offers an opportunity to deepen your understanding and practice while meetings with others in a similar role. The network is designed to help equip mentors of Newly Accredited Ministers and Fully Accredited Ministers and for anyone who is involved in mentoring Regional Recognised Leaders, Church Leaders, Children Youth and Families Workers or Pioneers.
It recognises the privilege of supporting others through mentoring and therefore the importance of keeping ourselves equipped well for the task. All SCBA mentors are encouraged to attend the Network gatherings and a record of their attendance will be kept as part of their continued development as a Baptist Minister. There are just two sessions a year and the training offered will be repeated on a three yearly cycle. Each session offers mentors the opportunity to meet with others, to share experiences, to learn from each other, to receive ongoing training and to support each other through pray.
The Three Year Cycle
As part of each day we will be offering the opportunity to each mentor to engage with ongoing training to deepen their own understanding and practice. This will follow a 3 yearly cycle, which will both act as a reminder but will also enable people to catch-up on any missed sessions. Although each session will build from the one before, they will be self contained and therefore will have value as an individual session.

Each session includes elements of worship, prayer, training, group support, community learning and times of sharing and praying together.
Watch this space for the next Mentoring Training date!