SCBA Events   

The World on our Doorstep

Tuesday 18th March 2025, 7.30-9.00pm

The World on our Dorstep Webin

SCBA are partnering with BMS for a webinar to navigate how we can engage with and integrate diverse cultures into our churches.

We will be hearing stories of God at work in this way in UK Churches and having insights from different cultures represented in UK churches

There will also be a Q+A with contributors and we'd love to hear from you too!

Register here

SCBA Mentor Training

Thursday 27th March 2025

SCBA Mentor Training Mar 25

SCBA Golf Tournament

Monday 2nd June 2025

Golf Club

Iford Golf Centre, (home of Christchurch Golf Club), Riverside Avenue, Bournemouth, Dorset, BH7 7ES

2025 marks the twentieth occasion that churches will have competed for the Frank Boyd shield. The Christchurch Golf Course at the Iford Golf Centre is suitable for the whole range of golfers from Hackers to Scratchers! where the aim is to finish second so as not to be responsible for arranging the 21st tournament!
Each participating church is invited to submit a team of four players, (playing as two pairs). You are welcome to invite and bring non-church members to make up your team of four. We are well aware of how difficult it can be for smaller churches to find four golfers so as in the past we will accept one team of two players (one pair instead of two), and there will be a separate prize for the winning pair.
The day includes coffee and bacon roll on arrival at 10.30am, 18 holes of golf (in groups of four), prizes and a two-course meal at 5.00pm. The cost is £46 per person. The first tee time will be 11.30pm.
Please contact George Callan ( for more information and a booking form. It would be helpful if churches hoping to take part could let me know as soon as possible so I can have some idea of the possible numbers

Other Baptist Events        

Centre for Black Theology - Book Launch: The White Bonhoeffer

Wednesday 26th February 2025, 7pm-9pm

The White Bonhoeffer

New Road Baptist Church, Bonn Square, Oxford, OX1 1LQ

Dietrich Bonhoeffer continues to inspire the minds and actions of many people around the world, including academics and ministers, as well as countless others seeking to imagine afresh what Christian discipleship entails today. Rightly or wrongly, Bonhoeffer’s name is evoked across different streams of the church. Such is the far-reaching and sometimes misplaced appeal of the man.
Judson’s book offers a “pilgrimage” through Bonhoeffer’s main theological and ethical themes, as well as his key works, with a particular gaze on the subject of race. More specifically, Judson generously interrogates the reality that Bonhoeffer’s vision was constituted from within his particular horizons as a White Western man. The book suggests that Bonhoeffer is really helpful for navigating some of the complexities pertaining to human life, and particularly in relation to the subject of race, given that much of his thinking was shaped in response to Hitler’s demonic vision of Aryan (White) supremacy in Germany.
However, Judson also shows that there are points where Bonhoeffer only got so far, and could have imagined things differently at times. Judson journeys with Bonhoeffer to see where he is helpful and where his (and the author's) White Western horizons become limited through this particular gaze. Therefore, the book opens (particularly White) readers to explore the themes of race and Whiteness by letting others guide the way, others who offer insights from a Global Majority perspective regarding what it means to be human, and how to live alongside others in a continually violent and disparate world.
This book is the first project of The Centre for Black Theology, Oxford.
The evening will include respondents to the book. Copies of the book will also be available for purchase.
If you wish to attend the evening event, please contact Irim Sawar -

Baptist Spirituality

14th - 16th July 2025

Baptist Spirituality July 25

The Baptist Historical Society together with the Centre for Baptist Studies is planning a conference to be held in Alcester, Wariwckshire, on 14th-16th July 2025 which will focus on the theme "Baptist Spirituality".

The keynote speakers will be: Dr Craig Gardiner, Dr Ruth Gouldbourne and Dr Peter Morden.

Proposals for shorter papers are invited and may be submitted to the BHS secretary. Stephen Copson at In submitting your propsal please included the title and short abstract of the paper.

Day Conference Fee: £10 including lunch and coffee/tea or with evening meal £30

The Full Conference Fee is £230 per person.

To register visit here