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Networking and Clustering 

Ministry is a long game. As ministers, we experience seasons of newness and growth as well as challenges. In the SCBA we have created spaces of networking and clustering to provide space to reflect on the specific joys and challenges of certain areas.  These clusters/gatherings also provide an opportunity for learning and reflection. 

Network and Clustering in SCBA:


Children, Youth & Families (CYF)

If you are new to SCBA or would love to find out more about CYF ministry within SCBA then please email Clare

For deepening relationships and support we have 4 geographical clusters. To find out more about these, please email Clare


We meet online once a term and on-site once a year for support, encouragement and prayer. 

For more information contact Rev Hayley Young 


This group exists to help support the growing number of pioneers across the Association.

To find out more details, please email Clare



There are currently 13 Clusters across the association.  We suggest that these clusters have two ways of being held:

Fellowship meetings include a ‘thought for the day’ from the host, sharing news, offering support and encouragement and praying for one another and our churches.

Intentional meetings with a focus on exploring and developing the way we work together for the benefit of the life of our churches and our mission.

Along with creating space for social meetings.  If you would like to know which cluster is closest to you, please contact your Regional Minister

Smaller Churches Hub

For anyone in leadership (ministers & deacons) of a church of under 40 members, this is an opportunity to encourage one another in life and ministry and think about how we could support and help one another to thrive.

Contact Rev Hayley Young for more information 


Larger Churches Hub

For the leadership teams of churches that are over 120 in gathered worship to encourage each other and pray for each other.  As well as learning from the experiences of each other.

Contact Rev Hayley Young for more information 

Women's Only Cluster

We recognise that there are some challenges and joys which are unique to women in ministry, therefore we have an online space to gather women leading our churches in SCBA to encourage and pray for each other.

Contact Rev Hayley Young for more information