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Mission Support

In the SCBA we are committed to supporting and releasing new ways of mission and pioneering across the Southern Counties as well as encouraging what God is already doing through many of our churches.

Below are the areas of mission we can support you in and how you can partner with us:
Mission Support: Sometimes churches don’t know where to start in mission or are looking for new, fresh input in how they do mission to their community. As a team we can offer to walk alongside you as a church for a mission audit based on the fruitfulness indictors (download the document here).  We can offer a leaders/church away day looking at your missional activities and exploring creative ways in which you can reach out to your community.
If you would like to engage in missional support, then contact Rev Hayley Young
Digital Mission: If you are looking at how you make the most of your online presence and turn your pages online into a missional opportunity, then we can work with your church or missional context to review its current presence and look at ways on how to develop this to reach new generations.
If you would like to engage in digital mission then contact Rev Hayley Young 
Pioneering: We are passionate about releasing creative pioneering and mission across the Southern Counties.  We provide accountability and support through our Pioneering Gatherings.
If you are starting something or would like to partner with the SCBA then please do get in contact with us to see how we can support and develop your pioneering project.
If you would like to engage in pioneering then contact Rev Clare Hooper

Training: We can offer training in outreach and mission for your church or missional context this can be as a one off day or a few seminar style sessions to get your church thinking about mission.
We also run occasional association-wide training days/webinars.
If you would like someone to come and lead some training in your church then please contact Rev Hayley Young
Missionally Engaging in your Local Community Course: This is an 8 session course about missionally engaging in our community – loving the community, making disciples, birthing contextually relevant church run by Rev Ali Boulton.
For more information and to book on the course click here
Mission Grants: We love giving grants for mission! Mission is the heartbeat of the church. 
All grant applications are carefully considered and are decided based on set criteria regarding the missional and practical outworking of the project.
​The Association awards these grants, therefore it is advisable that anyone hoping to apply has an early consultation with the association.
For more information on these grants click here
Home Mission Fund: Home Mission is all about helping Baptist churches and individuals reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities. It is the Baptist family purse, and each year our Union has an appeal to raise money for Home Mission.

The money raised aims to help Baptist churches and individuals to reach their mission potential and bring the love of God to their communities. We encourage all our churches to give at least 5% of their annual income to the work of Baptist Together Home Mission, to find out how this money is used click here