Being a Restorative Association
Being Missional Today Conference
Tuesday 10th June 2025
Coventry Cathedral
Being Missional Today is a conference that combines a festival of ideas on missional thinking, offered mostly by published authors, developed in conversation with participants. Experiential learning opportunities are woven into the gathering.
A significant proportion of the speakers are people of global majority heritage, along with others whose voices have historically been marginalised.
In dialogical pairs, speakers are invited to address one of these questions:
• How might social and political disruptions, and disruptions within the church, aid or frustrate our work for the kingdom of God?
• In what ways is this current season liminal, for the church and those amongst whom we serve? How might the church need to be reshaped for such a season, and work differently?
• How might practices of reconciliation enable us to engage fruitfully in our local contexts today?
The hoped-for conference outcomes include:
• A renewed hope and sense of solidarity for participants engaging missionally in their local contexts;
• Better networking and encouragement of those seeking to learn from traditions and perspectives beyond dominant missional and church-planting models; and
• Accidental encounters between participants, who might learn from one another, collaborate in future or be inspired to explore new avenues.
The intended audience includes:
• Local church and parish clergy and lay ministers.
• Relevant cathedral canons and large church missioners.
• Those with responsibility for diocesan/area mission and ministry development.
• Diocesan, area or regional missioners and resource people.
• Those who are part of the sponsoring organisations’ networks.
The cost to attend is £75
There is a group discount, so we would like to book everyone in SCBA in as a group, and then pay towards your ticket so the cost to you would be
To book, please click here and we will send you an invoice when we have the required number of people.
For more information, please contact